
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


Plastic Surgery Medical Malpractice in Florid

Florida has some of the highest plastic surgery rates in the country. One survey showed that Miami alone has 10 plastic surgeons per 100,000 residents. Thousands of cosmetic procedures are performed in Miami and the rest of Florida every year. In some cases, surgeons make errors that cause severe injuries…


Medical Malpractice and the Statute of Limitations in Florida

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical provider, such as a doctor, hospital or clinic, performs an act or omission during the course of treating a patient that deviates from the accepted norms of practice in the medical community, causing injury to the patient. Medical malpractice occurs often here in Florida.…


Informed Consent and Medical Malpractice in Florida

Despite medical professionals having to endure strict educational and internships requirements before entering the profession, instances of medical malpractices continue to occur across the nation. Per the National Academies, medical malpractice kills more Americans annually than automobile accidents. Countless more victims survive with lifelong disabilities. As you may know, medical…


Medical Malpractice in Florida

When you seek medical attention, you are under control of a particular medical staff. These individuals are, in the ideal world, trustworthy and truthful. Yet sometimes medical errors and even intentional misconduct occurs. Recently, two Florida surgeons have been found guilty of committing medical malpractice. In this particular case, a…


What You Should Know Before Filing a Medical Malpractice Suit

Opened First Aid Kit If you were injured as a result of the negligence of a doctor or other medical professional, you may be able file a medical malpractice lawsuit to receive compensation for your injuries. While the damages you can receive can be substantial, the actual legal process is…


Xarelto May Cause Deadly Side Effects

Far too often, our Miami personal injury attorneys read about a prescription drug causing serious, life-threatening side effects. Unfortunately, Xarelto continues this disturbing trend. Xarelto, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals, is a blood-thinning drug approved by the FDA in July 2011. Xarelto is a new…


Can a Law Change Affect the Rights of a Malpractice Victim Retroactively?

When a law changes, the question often arises as to when it is actually effective and whether it can affect or change the rights of parties that may have filed a lawsuit when the old laws were in effect. A new case discusses this principle in the context of medical…


No Special Instruction For Patient With Object Left Inside of Him

One of the most frightening scenarios for patients who undergo a surgical procedure in a hospital is the possibility of having a foreign object left inside of them. A recent case discusses how and when the law protects those who fall victim to this kind of negligence. Man Has Object…


Be Aware of Pharmacist Liability for Drug-Related Injuries

When we think of medical errors, we usually think of medical malpractice, or errors by other medical providers or facilities. We don’t often think of pharmacists. But where a medication creates an adverse effect—including death—it’s important for someone who is injured to consider the liability that a pharmacist may have.…


Malpractice or Products Liability? The Distinction Can Be Important

We’ve written in the past about the importance of understanding what kind of cases are medical malpractice, and what kind are general negligence or products liability. A recent case has again discussed the difference, this time in a products liability context. Why The Difference Matters The difference is important because…

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