
Overview of Neck and Back Injuries After a Miami Auto Accident

The violent force of a Miami auto collision can lead to severe trauma to the neck and back, and these injuries are complicated because a victim may not experience any immediate symptoms. If you are involved in a crash, it could be hours or days until you start to feel pain. During this time, you could sustain even more serious medical issues because you did not seek treatment. 

It is always a good idea to visit a doctor right away after a crash, since a health care provider can conduct an MRI, CT scan, or other screening to diagnose a neck or back injury. Once you are on the road to health, you should consult with a Miami car accident lawyer. Considering how these injuries can result in short- and long-term implications, you will need assistance with your claim for compensation.

Common Neck and Back Injuries from a Car Accident

You may not think too much about the function, mobility, and structure that your neck and back provide – until you are hurt in an accident. In an auto crash, victims are most likely to suffer:

  • Whiplash: Online medical resource WebMD describes this injury as a neck sprain or strain, which results from your head being tossed forward and backward upon impact. In a minor accident, you may experience pain when trying to turn your head; more severe whiplash may lead to headaches, numbness in your upper extremities, and dizziness.
  • Fractured Vertebrae: These bones in your back are designed to protect the delicate tissues of the spinal cord, so a fracture can lead to serious bodily harm – including permanent paralysis.
  • Herniated or Bulging Discs: Your vertebrae are separated by discs that act as shock absorbers. When damaged, these gel-like cushions can rupture or become dislodged. They’re no longer protecting the surrounding tissues, so you could experience back pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation.

Do Not Underestimate Complications from Neck and Back Injuries

Depending on the type of injury and severity, your recovery could take weeks or months; in some cases, you may never return to full health. Florida law allows you to seek compensation for these losses from the driver responsible for causing the crash, including amounts for:

  • High medical costs for treatment, such as surgery, physical therapy, braces, pain medications, and related care;
  • Lost wages, if you are unable to work or are physically limited in performing job-related tasks;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Losses based upon your relationships with loved ones; and,
  • Diminished quality of life when you must forego favorite activities due to your neck and back injuries.

 Speak to a Miami Car Accidents Lawyer for Free

Your health is your first priority after an auto collision, so leave the legal issues to our team at Gerson & Schwartz, PA. We can tell you more about your options after reviewing the details of your claim, so please contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation. Our attorneys serve accident victims throughout South Florida from our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach, and we are happy to assist.

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