Responsible motorcycle riders in Florida know the law on helmets, so you are aware that the statute is somewhat unusual. There are specific motorcycle helmet requirements based on age, and insurance surprisingly plays a role. A person is prohibited from riding a motorcycle unless they are wearing a motorcycle helmet that complies…
Miami Accident Lawyer Blog
Evidence Needed to Prove a Florida Medical Malpractice Case
Like other US states, you have rights under Florida medical malpractice laws if you suffered injuries or other harm at the hands of a health care provider. The state medical negligence statute allows you to recover damages if you can prove that the actions of your physician represent a breach of the…
Mistakes to Avoid When Settling a Miami Truck Accident Claim
Truck accidents are responsible for causing massive devastation, injuries, and loss of life when they occur, so it is a blessing to know that they represent a small percentage of the total crashes in Florida. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that there are approximately 10,100 collisions involving…
Skin Graft Technology Brings Hope for Victims of Burn Injuries
Unless you have a medical background, terms like “synthetic acellular dermal regeneration template” and “neodermal formation” do not exactly grab your attention. However, if you are the victim of burn injuries from an accident, the technology described by these terms is definitely significant. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) explains how innovations…
How Distracted Drivers Create Huge Risk of Motorcycle Accidents in Miami
The dangers of distracted driving have been well-known and highly publicized for years, yet statistics indicate that drivers disregard both safety issues and the law. Cell phone use and other risky activities are a particular concern for motorcycle riders, who are not protected by a metal barrier in a collision.…
Pre-Suit Filing Requirements for Florida Medical Malpractice Cases
Personal injury cases always involve significant investigation activity and numerous tasks before suing in court, but Florida medical malpractice cases take things to another level with pre-suit requirements. At one time, there was a spike in frivolous lawsuits against physicians, prompting lawmakers to enact Florida’s medical negligence statute. The law requires…
Common Injuries for Victims of Miami Slip and Fall Accidents
Unintentional falls are one of the leading causes of death in America, but these incidents are also among the top reasons that people seek medical treatment for accidental injuries. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 6.84 million people head to hospital emergency rooms annually for…
Florida’s Statute of Limitations for Child Sexual Assault
Sexual assault and sexual abuse of a child are horrific crimes, which is why a recent Florida law gives the criminal justice community an unlimited amount of time to pursue charges. However, victims also have civil remedies for the mistreatment they suffered. Instead of jail time, the point of a…
Reasons Your Florida Pedestrian Accident Claim Was Denied
Sharing the road with larger, faster, motorized vehicles is risky when you are on foot, so it will probably not shock you to learn that pedestrian accidents can be devastating. Statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) indicate that there are more than 8,560 crashes involving people…
What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents in Miami?
Interstates 95 and 75, the Florida Turnpike, and many other busy highways run through South Florida, and these routes carry heavy traffic from large trucks. Therefore, it is no surprise that crashes involving semis, 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, and other commercial vehicles are common. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there…