
Miami Accident Lawyer Blog


NHTSA Calls For Louder Hybrid And Electric Vehicles For Safety

On January 7, 2012, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) released Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 14 calling for manufacturers of hybrid and electric automobiles to ensure that their vehicles meet certain minimum sounds standards set forth by the federal Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Ac,…


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Issues Press Release Regarding Potentially Dangerous Winter Products

Last week, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (“USPSC”), issued an advisory to consumers to check their homes for certain cold weather products which were previously recalled due to safety concerns. According to the press release, consumers should be looking for four specific products which, although recalled over the summer,…


Fatal Florida Car Accidents & Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Recently CentralNY published a story on a tragic fatal Florida car accident that took the life of a college student. Details on the auto accident remain sparse, as authorities are still investigating to determine exactly what happened. What is known is that a 22-year old was on his way back…


What If I’m In a Car Accident And We Are Both At Fault?

Car accidents strike countless times each and every day throughout Florida. There are many different types of accidents, from drivers failing to see a stop sign to drivers talking on a cell phone and drifting into a different lane. In fact, frequently the causes of an accident are myriad, many…


New Florida Motor Vehicle Accident Laws; Changes in Personal Injury Protection Now Effective

New Personal Injury Protection Laws Now Effective New motor vehicle accident laws go into effect today, (actually as of 1/1/2013) along with many other new laws across the nation. Motorists in Florida should now be aware of how the changes will affect them in the event of a car accident.…


New Program Seeks to Minimize Florida Car Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents can cause serious injuries and sometimes even lead to death. The situation is even more tragic when children are involved. Sadly, car accidents involving children strike time and time again throughout the state. For example, on Saturday, December 1st a 14 year old girl died in a…


Florida Rear-End Collision Victims Face New Challenge As High Court Complicates Proof of Fault

Most drivers who experience the misfortune of being struck from behind by another vehicle operate on the assumption that the other driver is likely to bear full responsibility for the injuries and damage that result. This assumption has generally been borne out in Florida rear-end collision cases. However, but a…


Charter Bus Barrels Into Concrete Overpass at MIA, Killing Two Passengers and Leaving Three in Critical Condition

A private charter bus carrying 32 members of an assembly-bound church group inexplicably ended up at Miami International Airport, this past Saturday, where it rammed into an overpass, instantly killing one of its passengers and injuring many others. According to the December 2 Miami Herald, the bus was 11 feet…


Prescription Overdosing in Florida Hospitals

Hospitals Overdosing Patients on Drug Already Infamous For Causing Liver Failure Findings published in the November 12 edition of Archives of Internal Medicine reveal that hospitals may be overdosing a significant number of their patients who are being treated with the drug acetaminophen. More specifically, researchers found, in two carefully…

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