
Miami Accident Lawyer Blog


Crime Victims Have Rights; Contact a Miami Personal Injury Law Firm

Many law enforcement agencies and state attorney offices in Florida have victims’ advocates, people paid to stay in contact with crime victims and their families throughout the criminal process. The Miami Herald recently reported on such a position at the Hialeah Police Department. But while these people can aid crime…


$ 1,310,000 Jury Verdict for Sexual Assault Victim

On November 22, 2010 a Miami-Dade County jury decided that Defendant Tenet Healthcare Systems d/b/a North Shore Hospital was negligent and thus legally responsible for a sexual assault by one of their patients on another patient in the hospital. The sexual assault took place in the behavioral unit of North…


Third Disctrict Court of Appeal Affirms 24.8 Million Dollar Verdict

The Third District Court of Appeal upheld a 24.8 million dollar tobacco verdict against cigarette manufacturers. This comes nearly 8 years after the trial court found in 2002 that Defendants Philip Morris, Liggett Group, and Brown & Williamson were legally responsible for misrepresentation, fraud, civil conspiracy, and for knowingly manufacturing…


Crime Victims at Low Income Housing Apartments

Expensive rentals and condominiums provide extensive security programs to protect residents and guests. Low income renters often don’t get the same protection as more affluent apartment dwellers. Legal protections exist for government supported properties. Though not well known by the public many requirements for safety and security are mandated by…


Proposed Bill Attempts to Increase Minimum Automobile Liability Insurance Coverage for Convicted Felons

Earlier this month, our firm along with the the Florida Justice Association traveled to Tallahassee, FL to lobby the the Florida legislature. One proposed bill of particular interest would increase the minimum amount of automobile insurance coverage a convicted felon would be required to carry while operating a car or…


Six Figure Settlement Reached For Crime Victim After Closing Arguments

Gerson & Schwartz PA, recently obtained a six fix figure settlement against the owner and operator of an apartment complex.Our client was was the innocent victim of a violent crime. After 2 years of litigation and just minutes after closing arguments, the Defendants agreed to settle the case prior to…


$240,000 Settlement for Assault at Apartment Complex

Gerson & Schwartz, PA recently obtained a $240,0000 settlement for our client who was assaulted in her apartment complex. Our client, had returned home one evening and parked her vehicle in her assigned space in the parking lot area in front of her second floor condominium apartment. As she exited…

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