
Miami Accident Lawyer Blog


Falling Deck and Inspectors Failings Result in $2.5 million Verdict

Gerson & Schwartz PA, along with co-counsel obtained a $2.5 million jury award for our client, who suffered severe – and permanent – injuries when the deck of a house she was visiting collapsed from under her. The house – a foreclosed Atlanta property that had been listed for sale…



Like other responsible plaintiff’s lawyers we urge many clients to structure significant settlement proceeds for their future security. The benefits of tax-free structured future payouts to plaintiffs are well known and carefully explained to clients at the time of settlement. If there is a downside to these plans it is…


A Word About Settlements

We have had several confidential settlements during our 37 years in practice. At Gerson & Schwartz, P.A. we oppose confidentiality in settlement agreements. It is obvious the public good is better served by open and full disclosure of settlements especially in product liability cases. Hushed outcomes and returned proprietary discovery…


Questions Remain About Florida No Fault Insurance Law

Questions still remain about Florida’s No Fault Insurance Law. Under the previous legislation, which expired on October 1, 2007 Florida drivers were required to hold $10,000 of personal injury protection on their car or automobile insurance policies. Under the existing law, individuals who sustain injuries in a car or automobile…

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