
Reasons to Avoid Social Media After a Miami Car Accident

Billions of people around the world are active on social media on a regular – sometimes hourly – basis, according to data published by social media intelligence company BrandWatch. There are 2.2 billion users spending an average of 142 minutes per day on such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. Based on the popularity of social media and ability to stay in touch with family and friends, it is no surprise that victims of auto collisions often share information regarding their ordeal with their network 

Unfortunately, there is such a thing as sharing too much. A Miami car accident attorney can explain in more detail, but you should understand why some of your actions adversely affect your crash claim.

Why Avoiding Social Media is Important

When you are injured in a motor vehicle crash, you will typically seek compensation for your losses by filing a claim with the responsible driver’s insurance company. Insurers dedicated significant efforts to training their adjusters to find weaknesses in your claim, so they can avoid paying out monetary damages for your losses. Besides the information you provide through your documentation and conversations with an employee, they will often seek out additional details – through your social media profiles.

Information an Insurance Adjuster Uses to Deny Your Claim

Even if you do not make any statements against your interests when discussing the crash with the adjuster, your social media posts can tell quite a story. Many victims will post photos of their vehicle or their injuries, or they will update their profile to show others the progress of their recovery. Without realizing it, you may be providing the insurance adjuster with fodder to deny your claim. There are two key areas where you are putting your rights at risk:

  • Contradicting Your Claim Information: Anything you post on social media could refute what you have told the insurer through your forms and supporting documents. For instance, telling your community you enjoyed a hike at a local trail will contradict your claim for a broken ankle. Your claim for lost wages could be denied when you post about your hard day at work.
  • Content Posted by Family and Friends: When members of your community post to your profile, make comments, or otherwise engage with you online, an insurance company can see the content. Your claim for pain, suffering, and emotional distress will not go too far when the adjuster sees a photo of your smiling face on beach vacation – which was tagged by a friend.

A Miami Car Accidents Lawyer can Advise You on Your Rights

If you were hurt in a car accident that was not your fault, it is best to reach out to an experienced auto collision attorney instead of your community on social media. At Gerson & Schwartz, PA, our team is dedicated to advising you throughout the claims process, so we will help you avoid any pitfalls that could affect your rights. To learn more about our legal services, please contact our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach to set up a free consultation.

(image courtesy of  Giles Lambert) 

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