In a bustling urban area like South Florida, taxis are a common mode of transportation. According to the Official Website for Greater Miami & Miami Beach, there are more than 40 licensed taxi companies serving Miami-Dade County, its beaches, airports, and other areas. Unfortunately, people riding in taxis are at…
Articles Posted in car accident attorney
The Consequences of Distracted Driving in Florida
Distracted driving is very dangerous and leads to numerous preventable accidents and deaths in Florida each year. In 2019, distracted driving resulted in 3,142 deaths nationwide. If you have been injured in Miami due to the negligence of a distracted driver, you may be able to pursue compensation for your…
Three Things About Pre-existing Conditions Miami Car Accident Victims Need to Know
Like most other personal injury matters, Miami car accident claims fall under the umbrella of negligence when it comes to recovering compensation. You need to prove that the other motorist’s careless actions were the direct cause of the auto crash in which you were injured. If there were other intervening…
Can I Recover Hospital Costs After a Miami Car Accident?
When you are injured in a Miami car accident, you could be seriously injured. Hospitalization may be the best route to ensure you receive essential treatment and can get on the way to recovery as soon as possible. Of course, you probably realize that the costs involved with a hospital…
Top Five Florida Traffic Laws Miami Drivers Ignore
Even if you are diligent about complying with all Florida rules of the road when out driving around Miami, there is a good chance that there are plenty of other motorists who do not. Some may be in a rush to get to their final destination, while others did not…
NHTSA’s “Road to Zero” to Eliminate Traffic Fatalities by 2050
Government officials and consumer groups often team up to raise awareness about public safety issues and empower people to protect themselves and their families. The Road to Zero Coalition, managed by the National Safety Council (NSC) and supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), is an example of…
Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Miami
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that motor vehicle collisions are among the leading causes of accidental death in the US every year, typically ranking within the top three in any given year. Crashes kill more people annually than medical conditions like stroke or diabetes, and they…
What to Include in a Demand Letter After a Miami Car Accident
There are more than 31,350 people injured in Miami-Dade County auto accidents every year according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ Crash Dashboard, a figure that may not surprise you given the number of careless drivers on the road. However, you might be shocked to learn…
Top Causes of Miami Car Accidents and How to Steer Clear
When you read the data regarding the frequency of car accidents around Miami, you will probably be surprised by the numbers. In its Traffic Crash Facts for 2018, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reports that there are almost 65,000 auto collisions every year in Miami-Dade…
Comparing 2019 Miami Car Accident Fatalities to Previous Years
With 2020 already well underway, it can be helpful to review fatal car accident statistics from previous years as a way of comparing trends. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (FLHSMV) Crash Dashboard for 2018, there were 64,627 collisions in Miami-Dade County, killing 293 victims.…