By now most of our readers should know that where a crime is committed, there may also be an avenue for civil recovery, by suing the wrongdoer for damages. A recent case provides an interesting analysis as to what happens when a family member is killed by another family member,…
Articles Posted in Miami injury attorneys
If You Win In Court, Can You Collect Your Judgment?
If you are injured because of the negligence of another, you may begin to analyze your case with the more obvious aspects of an injury lawsuit. Was someone negligent? How? Were you injured? How badly? But often overlooked is the issue of collectability. Collectability is your ability to collect a…
Upcoming Workers’ Compensation Decision Could Have Effects on Access to Courts for all Injured Victims
If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, it’s likely that you can find an attorney to take your case, regardless of your financial situation. That’s because unlike many areas, in personal injury, attorneys are often paid on contingency. That means that you don’t pay them…
Tragic Murder Tests the Boundaries of Liability for the Actions of Family Members
Many families in Florida admirably and nobly care for children with mental disabilities, even into the child’s adulthood. Doing so can be a huge obligation, financially and emotionally. Many of those children may have disabilities that make them dangerous. What responsibility does a parent of a dangerous adult child have…
Can You Tell Your Family About an Injury Settlement? Maybe Not…
If you are injured and file a lawsuit for damages, in many cases, the other side may settle with you before a trial is needed. In return for paying you damages for your injuries, the negligent party often may want a confidentiality provision in your settlement agreement. A case from…
The Privacy Concerns in Getting Witness Information
In all kinds of cases, witnesses can provide vital information that can lead a jury to enter a verdict for damages in favor of an injured person. Witness information is of particular importance where facts are disputed. A single witness, especially neutral witnesses with no stake in the outcome, can…
Court Allows Victims to Recover Even if a Condition is Open and Obvious
If you are injured in a fall on a business owner’s premises, a crucial question will be whether the dangerous condition was “open and obvious” to you. The open and obvious doctrine can be a difficult hurdle to overcome for injured victims seeking damages for their injuries, but a case…
Line Between Medical Malpractice and Ordinary Negligence is Not Always so Clear
Florida law has a very complex and often expensive pre-suit process for anyone who seeks to sue for medical malpractice. The pre-suit requirements are mandatory, and must be strictly complied with. But in many cases, it may not be so clear whether an injury was caused by medical malpractice or…
Bad Jury Instructions Can Lead to Problems Later On
When a personal injury case gets submitted to a jury, the jury doesn’t just automatically know what questions it must decide on, nor does it know what kind of law applies. It’s up to the parties, at the conclusion of a trial to instruct a jury to give them guidance…
The Confusing Laws for Victims With Only Emotional or Mental Damages
Victims of injuries very often suffer not only physical injuries, but emotional ones as well. Anxiety, fear, post traumatic stress disorder, and any number of mental ailments are natural consequences of injury, and damages for these injuries can be recovered from a liable party in a personal injury suit. But…