Medical malpractice occurs when a medical provider, such as a doctor, hospital or clinic, performs an act or omission during the course of treating a patient that deviates from the accepted norms of practice in the medical community, causing injury to the patient. Medical malpractice occurs often here in Florida. It is critical that you are aware that Florida law places a strict deadline on when you may file a lawsuit for a medical malpractice claim.
If you or a loved one is injured at the fault of a medical provider, such as a physician, clinic, or hospital, it is imperative that you hire an experienced medical malpractice attorney. The Florida medical malpractice lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz, PA are here for you! Our attorneys represent medical malpractice victims and their families throughout Miami Dade, Miami Beach, The Florida Keys, Fort Lauderdale, Broward, and West Palm Beach.
The Applicable Statute of Limitations Period