When you think about the most common factors behind personal injuries, you probably assume that motor vehicle crashes and accidents on property will top the list. To a certain extent, this is true, but you are not always safest under your own roof. There are some hazards that may be lurking in your own home without you knowing, and they can lead to injuries when you least expect it. Some of these consumer products are unsafe by their nature, while others are only dangerous because they contain a defect that could lead to injuries. Many disproportionately affect children and the elderly, while others pose a risk for anyone in the household.
If a defective product in your home caused injuries, it is important to reach out to a Miami products liability attorney who can advise you on your legal options. Meanwhile, review this list of dangerous items, check your home, and make necessary adjustments to protect your family.
- Anything Subject to a Product Recall: You might read an occasional news story about a massive recall of defective products, but there are many issues that do not make headlines. To keep your home safe, visit the US Consumer Product Safety Commission Recall List (CPSC) from time to time. If there is a dangerous item in your home, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to handle it.