MIAMI, FL—Officials from the Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) have arrested two unidentified suspects in the case of a 17-year-old boy who suffered critical injuries in a brutal attack outside Coral Reef Senior High School in Miami. According to information provided by WSVN, the assault victim, who suffered a broken nose and also fractured his jaw in two places, has since been released from the hospital and is recovering from his injuries at home.

Reports indicated Christopher Lardner was in the parking lot of Coral Reef Senior High School following a Nov. 30 basketball game against Miami Killian Senior High School when he was violently beaten. Emergency medical crews subsequently rushed the assault victim to Kendall Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

According to the Edward Lardner, the teen’s father, “He was defenseless, he was unconscious, yet he was continually pummeled… He is a young, strong boy, but he doesn’t know right now who hit him.”

Lardner’s sister, Angela also told reporters, “He doesn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves to be beaten that way. Nobody deserves to be in that condition… He wrote to me on a little clipboard, because I wanted to ask him, I wanted to get down the facts of what he knew, and he told me no, and I believe my brother.”

Lardner, who was forced to undergo surgery to have rods placed in his jaw—which currently prevent him from speaking— was discharged from the Miami hospital on Dec. 4. It is expected to take a few months for the teen beating victim to recover from his assault wounds.

While reports suggested the Lardner family hired an attorney, they have yet to file a lawsuit in connection with the horrific high school beating. It was not clear what charges the unidentified suspects are facing with regard to the school attack. 
About the Miami injury attorneys and negligent security/premises liability lawyers of Gerson & Schwartz, P.A.
When accidents and crimes take place on someone else’s property, that someone needs to take responsibility. Too often, property owners and managers deny their responsibility. At shopping centers, hotels, apartments and condominiums, and all public events, people have a legal right to be reasonably safe from foreseeable harm and criminal victimization.

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MIAMI, FL—A plea deal was reached in the case of an ex-University of Miami football player originally charged with sexual battery in the alleged campus rape of an unidentified female, NBC Miami reported. A defense attorney on the case told reporters his client will plead guilty to a false imprisonment charge and serve a 3-year probation sentence under the said plea agreement.

According to information provided, 19-year-old former UM football player Jeffrey Brown, of Illinois, was accused of raping a sleeping (and intoxicated) woman in April 2011. Coral Gables police reports suggested the unidentified victim was drunk and went to Brown’s dorm room to ask if she could use the restroom. That woman ended up vomiting and passing out on the floor of the restroom before Brown brought her back to her friend’s dorm.

Brown ultimately went back to his own dorm after dropping the woman off at her friend’s dorm, but decided to return in the middle of the night. According to arrest reports, “As the victim was sleeping, [Brown] pulled off the victims blanket and got on top of her…He then removed the victims underwear.”  Authorities contended that although the woman eventually woke up and ordered Brown to stop having sex with her, but to no avail.

Upon being interrogated by police in connection with the alleged campus sexual assault, Brown initially contested the allegations. It was only after Coral Gables Police detectives stumbled upon an incriminating text message conversation between Brown and one of his friends—in which the accused former UM football player asked his unidentified friend to dispose of his underwear— that he confessed to having sexual intercourse with the complainant.

Brown, whom was a freshman when the rape allegations surfaced, has since been kicked off the Miami Hurricanes.

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MIAMI, FL—Four Florida A&M University students have been expelled in connection with the hazing death of a drum major in the school band, the Los Angeles Times reported. Although FAMU officials announced the students’ expulsions on Dec. 1, they did not state what offences the students were suspected of committing, specifically.

According to StateImpact Florida, authorities from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) are investigating the hazing-related death of Robert Champion, a 26-year-old drum major with Florida A&M University’s Marching 100. Champion apparently performed with the Marching 100 during the Florida Classic in Orlando on Nov. 19, but was later discovered unconscious on a bus, the LA Times and Orlando Sentinel reported. He was eventually pronounced dead. 

Florida Governor Rick Scott noted, “I think it’s very important that we do a thorough investigation, and I think it’s also important that we review our hazing policies…When things like this happen, you’ve got to make sure in your organization, our universities in this case, that people feel comfortable coming forward, you know, if they see something like this because I don’t want this to ever happen again.”

Florida Statute 1006.63 defines hazing as “any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of a postsecondary institution. “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing the student into violating state or federal law, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the student, and also includes any activity that would subject the student to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the student. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions or any activity or conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective.”

The Orlando Sentinel reported that the alleged hazing victim’s family has since filed a notice of intent to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Tallahassee-based Florida A&M University. The actual negligence lawsuit was expected to be filed within six months time.

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MIAMI, FL— November 22, 2011 – A construction employee was pronounced dead after he reportedly sustaining a gunshot wound at a Miami work site on the morning of Nov. 21, according to information provided by NBC Miami and WSVN. While the fatal shooting appeared to be accidental in nature, officials from the Miami Police Department have since taken the construction worker who was holding the gun at the time into custody.

Police reports seemed to suggest a group of unidentified construction employees were looking at and passing around a firearm when it discharged a bullet, consequently striking one of them. Although paramedics rushed the injured worker to Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital following the construction site shooting, his injuries ultimately proved fatal at the medical center. Officials have yet to release the shooting victim’s identity.

After speaking with the employees who were present at the time of the Miami shooting, detectives took into custody the worker who somehow “accidentally” pulled the trigger. That man, who remains unidentified, appears to be facing charges in connection with the deadly incident. The construction site where the fatality occurred is apparently situated in the 700 block of Northeast 85th Street.

According to Detective Willie Moreno of the Miami Police Department, “This individual produced a firearm in a playful manner, according to what we have up to now, and this firearm did discharge… Now, he struck another co-worker who is the one that has been pronounced dead.” Investigations into the fatal Miami shooting are underway.

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MIAMI, FL— November 21, 2011 – Officials from the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) are investigating the Nov. 17 robbery and assault of a female postal employee in Hialeah. According to information provided by NBC Miami, an unidentified man struck the postal worker in the head with his gun before stealing her keys and a piece of jewelry and ultimately fleeing the scene.

Although details concerning the postal worker robbery remained scarce, Blado Rojas of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service told reporters an unidentified man approached the female postal employee as she was walking to her vehicle at approximately 11:30 a.m. The man subsequently pistol-whipped the woman—a four-year employee of the USPS whom was said to be in her 40s.

Rojas further suggested the attacker stole the postal worker’s keys and a gold chain before getting into a dark colored sedan and seemingly speeding away from the scene of the Hialeah assault and robbery. Reports did not specify whether the postal worker was making deliveries prior to the attack, which occurred in the 100 block of West 12th Street in Miami-Dade County.

Responding Hialeah Fire Rescue personnel provided preliminary treatment to the assault victim before transporting her to an area hospital with an unspecified head injury.

The USPIS has asked anyone with information about the incident and/or the perpetrator to call (877) 876-2455. There is a $5,000 reward for info that leads to an arrest in the case.

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MIAMI, FL—U.S. District Judge William H. Steele of the Southern District of Alabama ruled on Nov. 15 that a Mississippi man who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl during a Carnival cruise voyage will not only spend 10 years in prison, but also serve a subsequent life-long probation sentence in connection with the attack. According to information provided by the Press Register, the defendant, whom prosecutors referred to as a “serial rapist,” sexually abused the teen while aboard the Carnival Elation cruise ship.

Gautier man Dylan Cole Bloodsworth, 19, apparently forced the unidentified 13-year-old girl to have sex with him on March 6, during a Carnival Elation cruise vacation to Mexico. Reports suggested Bloodsworth lured the young victim to his cabin by convincing her that he was merely going to retrieve his jacket.

Prior to the cruise ship assault, Bloodsworth also allegedly raped another 13-year-old girl in Mississippi. In that case, Bloodsworth apparently used photos the girl posted online to determine where she lived and subsequently showed up at her house unannounced.

Bloodsworth, who found that girl hitting a soccer ball in her yard upon arriving to the home, seemingly attempted to kiss her and left. Nevertheless, he called her later that night and contended he would murder her family if she didn’t agree to get into his car.

Bloodsworth is accused of taking the young victim to a secluded area, raping her and then disposing of the condom, as well as the clothes he was wearing at the time of the attack. The Mississippi man faces charges in connection with that case as well.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Maria Murphy, “I don’t know any other way of putting this: He’s a serial rapist. He preys on underage girls.”

Statistics posted on the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) website stated that the FBI regards sexual assault as the leading crime reported on cruise ships, accounting for 55 percent of all maritime crimes reported to the bureau.

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A Miami Dade County jury awarded $ 1,050,000.00 to a club patron against Penrod Brothers Inc., d/b/a Nikki Beach Club. The trial in Milian v. Penrod Brothers Inc., d/b/a NIkki Beach Club lasted nearly two weeks before being sent to the jury Wednesday afternoon. After 4 hours of deliberations the Miami – Dade County jury found Defendant Penrod Brothers Inc. was 100% at fault. The case was tried by Philip M. Gerson & Nicholas I. Gerson of Gerson & Schwartz, PA.

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MIAMI, FL— November 9, 2011 – Officials from the Coral Gables Police Department (CGPD) arrested and charged a University of Miami student from China in connection with the alleged sexual assault of multiple female students who were sleeping in their college dorms at the time. According to information provided by the Miami Herald, the accused UM student, who is currently facing two counts of burglary with assault or battery, is being detained at the Miami-Dade’s Pre-Trial Detention Center without bail.

Reports suggested 21-year-old Jiahoao Yuan unlawfully entered two unlocked dorm rooms within the Mahoney Residential College Dorm around the 6am hour on Nov. 6. Once inside the first dorm room, Yuan allegedly went on to “inappropriately” touch a sleeping female UM student.

That unidentified victim woke up during the apparent sex assault, prompting Yuan to run into a second dormitory. It appears as if Yuan fled the scene after seemingly sexually assaulting another female student. The alleged sexual assault victims called 911 immediately after the dorm intrusions occurred.

According to a Coral Gables Police spokesperson, Yuan was identified as the culprit after detectives examined surveillance footage taken at the Mahoney Residential College dorm, which is located at 1101 Stanford Drive in Miami-Dade County. Following Yuan’s 12:30 p.m. arrest, he reportedly gave a full confession in the University of Miami dorm room assault case.

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MIAMI, FL—November 8, 2011 – A South Florida day care worker accused of child abuse and neglect in a pending civil lawsuit confessed to those allegations during a recent disposition, according to information provided by NBC Miami. A female J. Ruiz Learning Center employee, whom is being referred to as “Miss Emma” in the pending lawsuit, was questioned as to whether or not she had ever struck a child on the job and ultimately answered, “yes.”
Surveillance footage also showed the Miami-Dade day care employee standing by as a fight between several children ultimately ended with a 5-year-old girl having one of her braids yanked violently from her head. Upon being asked about her apparent failure to intervene, the accused day care employee contended, “They were just playing. They were just playing.”
Trina Jackson, the 5-year-old girl’s mother, filed a civil lawsuit against the Hialeah day care center, claiming both child neglect and abuse on the part of “Miss Emma.” J. Ruiz Learning Center is situated at 4111 Northwest 22nd Avenue.

Also deposed in the child abuse case was Jose Ruiz, who strongly insisted that no children have ever been subjected to abuse at the children’s learning center. When the plaintiff’s attorney asked Ruiz whether the day care worker’s actions would result in the termination of her employment, he apparently responded, “She was under a lot of pressure. She was questioned for hours. I didn’t see enough of the clip. I have to see more before I make a determination.”

Although no criminal charges have been filed against “Miss Emma,” reports indicated the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) fined the Hialeah day care upon completing a probe into the said child abuse allegations.

Denise Hodge, whose three children used to be enrolled at the day care center, also filed a lawsuit related to the case. Hodge reportedly got a job at J. Ruiz Learning Center, as to better understand the complaints her children were making about “Miss Emma.” Hodge contended, “She [“Miss Emma”] would let little kids fight each other… She’d even hit the little kids if they didn’t listen to her.”

When Hodge went on to report what she’d witnessed to Jose Ruiz, she faced backlash for doing so. Hodge claims she was fired for unjustified reasons the following day. Her lawsuit not only seeks $15,000 in damages, but also aims to have officials close down the facility for good and prohibit “Miss Emma” from attaining employment within the child care industry in the future. Hodge also seeks the introduction of legislation that would require all day care centers make an ongoing stream live surveillance footage available to parents who want to check up on their kids.

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MIAMI, FL— November 7, 2011 – A lawsuit alleging sexual assault and other defilements is pending against Morton’s Steakhouse in Boca Raton, NBC Miami reported. The ex-Morton’s chef being represented in the lawsuit not only accused some of his former coworkers of sexually assaulting him on the job, but also claimed management witnessed and allowed a chef to place vegetables in his underwear before serving the potentially soiled food to customers.

According to a civil lawsuit filed in Palm Beach County on Oct. 3, plaintiff Reggie Williams claimed Morton’s Steakhouse management witnessed Morton’s kitchen staff members verbally and physically abuse other employees at the Boca Raton restaurant on several occasions, though nothing was done to stop the harassment.

For instance, the lawsuit alleges former employee Edmond Bleus would not only verbally abuse the men he worked with, he would try to kiss and grab their genitals as well. Bleus is also accused of sticking stalks of asparagus in his pants to make it seem like he had an erection and then serving that asparagus to unwary customers.

The suit contended Morton’s Steakhouse management stood by and observed the heinous acts, but never reported them or attempted to stop them from continuing.

Williams quit his job as a chef after Bleus followed him into the restaurant’s cooler and allegedly sexually assaulted him. The lawsuit claims Bleus undressed himself from the waste down before seemingly attempting to rape the plaintiff.

Although Chicago-based Morton’s Steakhouse would not comment on the case, spokesman Roger Drake stated, “Morton’s is firmly committed to providing a safe and harassment free environment for all of its employees and patrons. In the event that any Morton’s employee acts contrary to our policies, Morton’s takes immediate and appropriate steps to rectify the situation. Morton’s also adheres to the highest industry standards in regard to food safety and food service.”
The South Florida sexual assault case is underway.

* The Miami personal injury law firm of Gerson & Schwartz, P.A. has no affiliation with the case above.

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